Help your business better report, understand, and reduce your organization’s environmental impact. Get complete transparency into your total Microsoft cloud-based carbon emissions with Microsoft Sustainability Calculator.


Business Calculators · Annual Office Electricity Usage Calculator. Electric · KWH · Electricity · Tonnes CO2 · Total Cost 

Calculate your Ecological Footprint. Find out how many planets would be needed if everyone in the world lived like you? A calculator that allows users to translate abstract greenhouse gas amounts into concrete terms that are easy to understand. Day by day, CO 2 emissions are created by driving cars, heating, cooking, working, celebrating and flying. Find out the amount of CO 2 emissions created by your personal way of life with ease, using the myclimate footprint calculator. You can compensate your unavoidable emissions by supporting high-quality myclimate climate protection projects.

Co2 print calculator

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The Global Sea Logistics Carbon Calculator (GSCC) provides a calculation of the CO2 emission for the door-to-door transport of full containers and part loads. Carbon-acid ash 2 kg, filled. No regulator. Delivery time 2-3 days from orders to our store.

Calculation basis. The myclimate footprint calculator offers an initial, simple, behaviourally-based estimation of the CO 2 emissions that a person produces in one year. This calculation includes emission values in the fields of mobility, consumption and living. More detailed CO 2 calculators such as for flights, cars and household can be found

Discover where your business causes greenhouse gas emissions. Then create awareness within your organization and make savings on your energy use visible. The 2030 Calculator (Beta version 1.0_Apparel) was launched by Doconomy with the ambition for product brands (and material suppliers), to better understand the carbon footprint of the products and materials they produce as well as provide the transparency that will allow consumers to make informed consumption choices.

Co2 print calculator

DISCLAIMER: The OOCL Carbon Calculator is based on OOCL's vessel fleet carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions data, using Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) calculation methodology.The data collection process as well as the accuracy of the research and methodology have been verified by ABS Consulting, an affiliate of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Co2 print calculator

3. Insight into how your carbon footprint compares to the rest of the UK Use this calculator to determine the environmental impact of your website. Basic websites are responsible for an estimated .02 lbs of CO2 per second viewed, to .2 lbs of CO2 per second viewed for websites with complex (high-quality) video. This is based … Do either a quick estimation (no bills needed) or a more accurate calculation of the CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions that you are responsible for, as an individual, over a 12 month period. In section 1, you enter household data, so that items such as household heating and car use are shared between the members of your household. In section 2, you enter personal lifestyle and travel Personal & Household Carbon Calculators.

We all have a carbon footprint. As we work to reduce it, we can take full responsibility for our climate impact by offsetting emissions. By using this carbon calculator to offset your footprint, you’ll be supporting best practice projects that help the environment and local communities worldwide. The attached Excel sheet can be used to calculate both CO2 emissions as well as primary energy requirements for the following activities:. Heating with oil, gas, coal, wood, solar energy or heat pumps An interactive calculator to estimate your household's carbon footprint.
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Co2 print calculator

It estimates the carbon dioxide saved in selecting different construction techniques and supply alternatives.

By using this carbon calculator to offset your footprint, you’ll be supporting best practice projects that help the environment and local communities worldwide. 2020-08-15 · The Fleet News CO2 emissions calculator can help you to calculate your company cars carbon footprint, reducing car co2 emissions is a key priority for fleet managers.
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The calculator was developed by Henkel and the Wuppertal Institute (Germany). By using this calculator, you make a contribution to scientific research into sustainable lifestyles. The data you provide will be kept anonymous. Enjoy discovering your footprint!

wood use. net energy. green house gasses. water usage. solid waste.

Bereken de CO2-voetafdruk van uw organisatie! Maak gebruik van onze gratis CO2-calculator en ontdek eenvoudig waar en hoeveel u aan uitstoot van broeikasgassen veroorzaakt. Creëer daarmee bewustwording en maak besparingen op uw energieverbruik en CO2-uitstoot inzichtelijk.

The calculator was developed by Henkel and the Wuppertal Institute (Germany). By using this calculator, you make a contribution to scientific research into sustainable lifestyles. The data you provide will be kept anonymous. ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator ICAO has developed a methodology to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions from air travel for use in offset programmes.

Printing. M-real. Each mode of transport (walking, bicycling, car, train, etc.) will have a different multiplier. The multipliers have been pre-programmed into the CO2nnect calculator  Considering the need to reduce CO2 emissions in order to limit global warming, Henkel's vision is to become a climate-positive company by 2040 and to drive  At Stena Line, we're working relentlessly on being a leader in sustainable shipping. Right now, we're working on a solution to calculate CO2 emissions for both  A CO2 calculation is an inventory on the emission of CO2 and other the CO2 calculations (which you can print using the Carbon Calculator), setting of  8 Sep 2017 Carbon Footprint Calculator is a free printer tool from HP which “the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the  In this case we multiply the emissions factor, 2.32 kg CO2e/litre, by the actual consumption and divide by 100. If your car average 8 L/100 km this would be 186 g  You can print your results or close the application. Your results will indicate the extent to which the environment is at risk and where particular environmental  Use our carbon footprint calculator to work out your impact on the planet, from flights, transport, food and shopping.